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Blackboard Collaborate, originally developed by Elluminate and later acquired by Blackboard Inc., is a web conferencing and virtual classroom platform that has become an integral part of modern education and collaborative environments. Its creation was a response to the increasing demand for online learning tools and the broader shift toward digital education. Founded in 1997 by Michael Chasen and Matt Pittinsky, Elluminate set the stage for what would later become Blackboard Collaborate, a platform dedicated to providing an interactive and dynamic online space for learning and collaboration.

As education evolved, technology integration and online learning became increasingly essential. This led to the creation of tools like Blackboard Collaborate, which aligns with various teaching approaches and learning theories, making it a versatile resource for educators and organizations.
From a teaching perspective, Blackboard Collaborate caters to various learning theories and methodologies. It embodies constructivism by creating an interactive environment where learners can construct knowledge through discussions, group work, and problem-solving. The platform also fosters social learning, encouraging peer-to-peer communication and collaboration through features like video conferencing and chat. It further supports active learning strategies, enabling real-time engagement, quizzes, and interactive exercises during virtual sessions.
The tool's flexibility aligns with the principles of blended learning, allowing educators to combine traditional face-to-face teaching with online elements, making it a valuable resource in diverse educational settings. In the context of the hybrid classroom model, it empowers educators to deliver pre-recorded content and use live sessions for discussions and interactive activities. Additionally, the platform offers options for diverse engagement, accommodating the varied needs and preferences of learners.

BlackBoard Collaborate was utilized by the University of the West Indies during the time of the Covid-19 pandemic and it had served the students well.
Could the university have used other options?
Were these other options better?
What option did your institution utilize?

Combining best-in-tech solutions to power your success
. Blackboard. (n.d.).


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